AS Level – Media Studies – OCR (H009)


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GCE – AS Media Studies – OCR – H009


Media Language and Representation:

    • Media Language:
      • Explore the specific language and visual techniques used in media texts. This includes understanding elements like camera angles, lighting, mise-en-scène, editing, and sound.
      • Analyze how media constructs meaning through these language choices.
      • Consider how different genres (e.g., news, advertising, film) utilize distinct language features.
    • Representation:
      • Investigate how media represents individuals, groups, and social issues.
      • Examine stereotypes, archetypes, and tropes in media portrayals.
      • Critically assess the impact of representation on identity, culture, and societal perceptions.

Media Industries and Audiences:

    • Media Industries:
      • Study the production, distribution, and exhibition of media content.
      • Explore media ownership, conglomerates, and the role of technology.
      • Understand the economic and political forces shaping media industries.
    • Audiences:
      • Investigate audience theories, including reception theory and uses and gratifications.
      • Analyze audience demographics, preferences, and consumption patterns.
      • Consider how media content is tailored to specific audiences.

Media Forms and Products:

    • Media Forms:
      • Dive into various media forms, such as film, television, radio, print, and digital media.
      • Understand the unique characteristics, conventions, and storytelling techniques of each form.
      • Explore hybrid and convergent media forms.
    • Creating Media Products:
      • Apply theoretical knowledge to create your own media product.
      • Develop skills in scripting, filming, editing, and post-production.
      • Reflect on the creative process and the impact of your choices.

Theoretical Frameworks:

    • Semiotics:
      • Learn about signs, signifiers, and signifieds in media texts.
      • Apply semiotic analysis to decode hidden meanings.
    • Feminism and Gender Studies:
      • Explore how media constructs gender roles and representations.
      • Critique patriarchal norms and stereotypes.
    • Postmodernism:
      • Understand postmodern concepts like hyperreality, pastiche, and intertextuality.
      • Analyze media texts through a postmodern lens.

Social and Cultural Contexts:

    • Media and Society:
      • Investigate media’s impact on social norms, values, and behaviors.
      • Consider media’s role in shaping public opinion and political discourse.
    • Globalization and Media:
      • Explore how media transcends borders and influences global culture.
      • Discuss cultural imperialism, hybridization, and glocalization.
    • Historical Perspectives:
      • Study media history, from early print to digital age.
      • Understand how historical contexts shape media content.



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